Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

Visiting an Orthodox Church in Sofia

If you plan to do some sightseeing in Sofia, you will definitely end up visiting one of the Orthodox Churches around. Since visiting religious sites can be quite frustrating, you should be aware of the things that are acceptable and those that are not. These are the rules you need to know: Fee...

Modern Sofia City

Nowadays Sofia is the largest settlement in Bulgaria with more than 2 million residents. It is the main industrial, financial, administrative, cultural and transportation center of the country. It is also home to more than 20 universities and to the Bulgarian Academy of Science. The city of Sofia...

Dancing Sofia 2016 – 4 Months in the Rhythm of Swing and Rock'n'Roll

The initiative Dancing Sofia, which started on 18th June, will offer the residents of Sofia and their guests, a new platform for dancing and open air activities for a period of four months. All people that are willing to learn how to dance will be able to do that thanks to the professional dance...

Wrong Fest Open Air 2016 Near Sofia

During the last weekend of June (25th – 26th) near the city of Sofia will be held the 4th edition of the music event Wrong Fest. The two day festival will take place near the village of Voinegovtsi, approx. 16 km (30 min by car) from the Vassil Levski monument. The location of the music fest...

Beer Fest for Euro 2016 in Downtown Sofia

The city of Sofia is celebrating the 2016 UEFA European Championship with a special beer best organized in front of the Soviet Army Monument. This popular place is located in downtown Sofia, opposite Sofia University and very close to Eagle’s Bridge and Borrisova Garden. The beer fest has...

Easter Art Fest in the Park

A very bright and colorful Easter Art Fest is to be organized this weekend (23rd – 24th April) in the Soviet Army Monument Park, next to Borrisova Garden. A diversity of handmade items are to be presented during the fest - including lively ceramics, creative candles, unique aromas, colorful...

Sofia Airport Launches 4 New Direct Routes

Sofia Airport has announced its summer flight schedule, which will come info effect on March 27, 2016. The new schedule will offer 4 new direct routes, where planes will fly from Sofia directly to the cities of Alicante, Oslo (Torp), Hamburg (Lübeck) and Birmingham. Starting in April the...

New Generation Concert in Joy Station Club

This Friday, 19th February at 8 pm, in Joy Station Club in the Students City of Sofia will be held an impressive concert “New Generation Forever”. The concert is a remembrance of the late front man of the band “New Generation” - the late Dimitar Voev and aims to make happy...

Published on: 18.02.2016
Category: Articles on Sofia Life Style Sofia
Labels: Sofia Apartments events culture Sofia concerts

Club MIXTAPE 5: 4 Alternative Bulgarian Rock Bands for Christmas

Club MIXTAPE 5 organizes a live concert in the heart of Sofia city with four of the most progressive Bulgarian rock bands on the second day of Christmas, 26.12. at 9 p.m. The event ROCKUMENTARY is unique in many aspects – one being that the four bands will play together on one stage for the...

Chekmedje: romantic little place in the heart of Sofia

Chekmedje is among those special places, where you immediately feel cozy right at the very doorstep. This romantic little place is a shop and a café all at once, where you can have a cup of green tea and buy some hand knit accessories for your home and for your personal usage. Chekmedje is...