Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

Sofia apartments keep their prices

Despite the dark prognosis, Sofia apartments have stabilized their prices and there are many reasons for that. The prices of the building materials have not decreased but for certain items have event gone up, as new construction techniques have been introduced. The only material that costs...

Do you want to sell your Sofia apartment? Follow these steps

The purchase of an apartment is one of the most important decisions in the life of each person, but the sale is also that important and has to be carefully organized. There are several basic steps to follow, in order to make a good deal. The first and most important of these steps is to find a...

Consultants advise: buy a property now

The Bulgarian Sofia is a great place for sightseeing and shopping but also a good base for a short stay when you are heading towards the ski or the summer resorts of the country. To serve these clients, there are fantastic furnished apartments, all characterized with simplicity of the booking,...

Buy your new home in Sofia for Christmas

It is believed that the apartment prices in the Bulgarian capital Sofia will drop with another 10 % by the end of this calendar year. These prognosis were given by several of the largest real estate and consulting companies, based on the fact that since the beginning of the year the apartments in...