Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

The Sofia property market busy at the beginning of the year

Sofia city started year 2011 with a dynamic property market, as the number of the apartment deals seriously increased. It was estimated that the number of the signed contracts in January this year was twice as much compared to the deals signed last January. Actually, it turned out that the...

Larger for smaller apartments in Sofia

The real estate market in Sofia shows a clear trend of demand for larger apartments. Many buyers in the capital are seeking to sell their small apartments in order to purchase larger ones. Usually, the buyers are looking for apartments with one or two bedrooms in the neighborhood in Sofia, where...

Did the sellers and buyers of apartments in Sofia met?

In recent months, it was noted that the property market in Sofia is balanced and stable, where the supply and the demand are reasonable. Since the beginning of the year, sellers of apartments in Sofia are reconsidering their price offers and the presented apartments for sale in Sofia come with...

New apartments in Sofia in the focus of the buyers

Despite the speculation years ago and the number of developers who failed to complete the buildings that they had started, the credibility of the buyers in the newly constructed complexes and the ones still under construction remains stable. With the first signs of reviving of the real estate...