Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

Sofia Real Estate Market prediction for the coming 2010

In year 2009 Sofia market faced permanent process of decrease in the property prices; high demand for bargain offers and limited bank financing and thus most deals were paid with cash money. The cash buyers were closely following the market, which gave them the option to react very fast when a...

Increase in Sofia apartment prices after the mid of 2010

Experts say that year 2010 will be more advantageous for the purchase of apartments in Sofia. They predict that after the middle of the current year, people should expected an eventual increase in the Sofia property prices. That is why clients who have cash are in a strong position and can...

People with cash money purchase Sofia properties and equipment

People who have cash money plan on investing them in Sofia apartments and in new equipment and furnishing like washing machines, dryers and refrigerators. A real boom in the purchases was seen in the days before Christmas. Since the beginning of the crisis and after the banks have tightened the...

Sofia rentals more advantageous than purchase

Leading financial experts agree that during the crisis, the financial institutions should be more active than they are now. Currently Sofia apartment rentals are far more advantageous than the buying process because of the interest rates given by the banks. For that reason the rentals of...