Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

Stay Sofia presents its new serviced apartments

Always up to date, user-friendly and well-organized, the StaySofia website often comes with new apartments for rent. All Sofia rental apartments that are presented on the website has been carefully picked, after serious examination. They have to answer a few basic criteria that concern the...

Sofia apartments: much more affordable

According to a recent survey made by one of the biggest banks in Bulgaria, the financial crises have actually made Sofia apartments for sale twice more affordable. The analyses proves that the number of years that the owner need to pay for their apartment are now reduced twice if compared to the...

The luxurious and modern Sofia apartments for rent

As a capital of Bulgaria Sofia city has plenty of lovely apartments that could be described as modern and luxurious. These apartments come in various sizes and could be studios, apartments with one bedroom and apartments with two bedrooms. They all have comfortable furnishing and plenty of extras...

Sofia apartment rentals: new trends

Sofia rental market is changing and this is for the better. A few years ago people who wanted to rent their apartments in Sofia did not show any interest in the person or family who will rent their property. They did not care about their profession, background and the place where they come from....

Sofia apartments' prices in 2013

The leading real estate experts from the most recognizable and popular companies in that sphere made a prognosis, according to which Sofia apartments will keep their stable prices in 2013. Their research claims that the price levels of the Sofia studio apartments, as well as the price tags of the...