Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

Sofia boutique apartments wanted

The most sought after properties on the Sofia real estate market are the small apartments that cost approximately 25 000 Euros. Actually, during the first quarter of the year, the deals that were signed where for such Sofia apartments including studios and small one-bedroom apartments. The supply...

An excellent time to buy a Sofia apartment

Sofia property buyers are at the moment much more informed and selective than they used to be a few years ago. There are three main factors that today work in favor of the Sofia property investors which make the current moment an excellent time to buy a home. These factors include the  a rich...

Sofia property market buyers and tenants

According to the numerous Sofia market factors are formed two main groups of buyers. The first one includes people aged between 25 and 30 who require a mortgage to buy their Sofia apartment. The other group includes investment players that are aged between 40-50 years. The return of this...

Decline in prices on the property market

Currently, the most sought after residential homes in Sofia are the small apartments like studios and 1-bedroom flats; however the demand is expected to increase in autumn. At the moment, the average decrease in the market prices of the apartments in Sofia has reached approximately 18 %, when...