Apartments for rent in Sofia

Save your time and money for your Sofia accommodation for any periods of stay. List of offers t and big range of luxury sericed Sofia apartments both in the center and in selected districts.  We offer flexible solutions for all kinds of rent periods in Sofia, Bulgaria . Thank you for using our services

Sofia City: Brief History

If you are planning your first visit to Sofia city, you should be aware that you are to see one of the oldest capitals in Europe. The history of the city can be traced back to the Neolithic age or around 5000 BC. The ancient city arose north of the hot mineral springs close to Eleshnitsa river and...

Sofia Largo To Be Opened Today

The architectural complex "Serdica" will be open today, forming the largest underground museum in the country and presenting three districts of the Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Serdica, located at the so called Sofia Largo, at the very heart of the Bulgarian capital. One of the biggest...

Before and After - the makeover of Central Park Apartment

We are proud to present the Before and After project of Central Park Apartment.  The corridor The wall was covered with textile so we removed it all and make it all look modern and shiny. ...And between Before and After it looked like this... The kitchen It was very difficult to turn...

Published on: 05.02.2014
Category: News
Labels: Sofia makeover apartment before and after